What is Python In Programming? [Beginners Guide]
In this article, we will learn in detail about what is Python. What is the history of Python? And how can you learn the Python language easily?
What is Python Language
Python is a high-level, general purpose programming language used in web development, software development, system scripting, and machine learning applications.
Python is an interpreted programming language, which was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
If you are a beginner and want to make a career in the software field by learning programming language, then you can start with Python language.
Python is a simple programming language whose syntax is very simple, which can be easily understood by a normal person by looking at it.
Python is an object-oriented programming language that is being used a lot in the software industry.
Learning Python language is much easier than all other programming languages because it contains commands like English which can be easily understood by a normal user.
History of Python Programming Language
The idea of the Python language came in the 1980s, but its actual implementation started in December 1989 and It was released around a year later on 27 February 1991.
This was the same time when the Java language also came into the market. But the first professional version of the Python language came in January 1994, which was called Python 1.0.
The Python language was developed by Guido Van Rossum during his research at CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in the Netherlands.
Guido Van Rossum started working on the Python language in December 1989 and published its first version (labeled version 0.9.0) in February 1991.
After this, Python 1.0 was released in 1994 with some new features (such as lambda, map, filter, and reduce). After this version, on October 16, 2000, a new version of Python came, called Python 2.0, which had new features like comprehensions, and garbage collection systems.
On December 3, 2008, Python 3.0 was released, which is also known as “Py3K”.
It is believed that the Python language is influenced by the ABC programming language, which was inspired by a programming language called SETL and the ABC language was created in the CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) to replace languages like BASIC, PASCAL.
When the ABC language was being developed at CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in the Netherlands, Guido Van Rossum was also working on this project and during this project, he got the idea of creating the Python language and he went on to create the Python language. Using the knowledge gained from the ABC language project.
But the name of the Python language “Python” is not in the name of any snake, its name is influenced by the BBC comedy show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”.
Guido Van Rossum thought of naming it when he was working on the Python project. He named that project “Python” because Guido Van Rossum loved the BBC’s “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” comedy show, so he Named it “Python”.
Why learn Python?
If you do not already know any programming language and want to make a career in the software field, you must learn Python.
Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that provides great features to the programmer. These features of the Python language make it one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world.
Python language is a fast-growing programming language with the help of which we can create many types of applications.
Python provides us with many frameworks using which we can create web applications.
Python web framework, Django has been used to create Instagram.
With the help of Python, we can create GUI applications. Python provides us with the Tk GUI library to create the user interface.
We can also create a Console-based Application using Python. Console-Based Application Like terminal or command prompt. if you have learned the C language before then you must have seen while running the program that the output comes in a black window which is a console-based application.
The Python language provides us with many free libraries to create command-line apps or console-based applications.
With the help of Python language, we can easily do the work of software development.
Python is used to create enterprise applications which are used by large organizations.
In this way, there are many more applications that we can create with the help of Python language. So believe me after learning the Python language, you are going to get a lot of benefits.
Where is Python used?
Python is a popular programming language which is being used in almost every field today. Below I am going to tell you about some areas where the Python language is used a lot.
- In data science
- In data mining
- For Creating desktop applications
- For Creating a Console-Based Application
- For creating mobile applications
- For software development
- For artificial intelligence
- In web development
- in enterprise applications
- For Creating 3D CAD Applications
- in machine learning
- in computer vision or image processing applications
So friends these were some areas where we use Python language.
Features of Python Language
We can easily compare programming languages based on their features because every programming language has its own unique feature which makes it different from other languages.
Let us know about some features of the Python programming language.
- Python is a simple programming language that is easy to learn and use.
- Python is an interpreted programming language whose code is run by an interpreter.
- source code of Python language is Easy to maintain.
- There are many libraries in Python, with the help of which we can do different types of tasks.
- It is very easy to write and understand code in Python.
- Python is a portable programming language in which the code written can be run on different platforms without any problem.
- Python is an open-source programming language that is available to everyone for free. You can get its source code from www.python.org.
- Python is an object oriented, general purpose programming language.
- Dynamic memory Allocate.
- Python has automatic memory management which makes it more powerful and popular than other languages.
Python Basic Syntax
In Python language It is not necessary to use curly bracket { } and semicolon “ ; “, but in this, we use indentation to define the code.
Indentation means using white spaces to define the code in the program.
Example -:
def func():
statement 1
statement 2
statement 3
statement N
All the statements in the above example are on the right side of the function. Usually, we use four white spaces to define indentation which tells which statement belongs to which block and function.
Python First Program
Python language is a little different from all other languages, in this we can write our code in few lines.
The code which we had to write in a lot of lines in other languages like Java, C / C ++, etc., we can write the same in few lines with the help of Python.
Let’s understand this with an example.
Example -: Hello World Program Using C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;
Example -: Hello World Program Using Python
print("Hello World")
Above, we have made Hello World’s program with the help of C++ language and Python language.
Look at the program made in C ++ language, in which we had to write code in many lines to print Hello World. But in Python, we printed the same thing by writing it in one line.
It’s clear that Python is a simple programming language, in which writing and understanding code is much easier than in other languages.
How to Learn Python Programming Language
Friends, if you have read carefully till here, then you must have come to know that what are the features of Python language which make it different from other programming languages.
Let’s now understand how you can learn Python language.
1) Follow any courses or Tutorials
To learn Python Programming language, follow a tutorial or course so that you can learn the basics of Python language well.
Below I am giving you the link of a certification course related to Python Language from where you can learn Python Language from the beginning.
2) Do Daily Practice on coding
Do daily practice of python programming, so that you can have a very good hold on those concepts.
3) Don’t stop learning
Continue your regular practice even after learning Python language. So that you remember all the things.
4) Create A Project
You keep making projects using Python language because you will not be able to fully learn Python language until you create a project, so creating a project is very important.
7) Explore More
When you complete your project, your journey will not end here. You have to explore new things.
When you start doing all these things then one day you will become a good little python developer
After reading this article today, I hope you understand what is Python language. What is the history of python? And how can you learn the Python language?
However, if you want any information related to this post or related to programming language, or computer science, then comment below I will clear your all doubts
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