Operating System Syllabus (PDF For All Students)
Here I am going to provide you Operating System Syllabus pdf for (BCA, Bsc. Computer Science, and CSE Students) so that you can increase your basic knowledge of Operating System Syllabus and prepare for your exam easily.
Operating System Syllabus Details
UNIT – I: Introduction
Defining operating system, History and Evolution of operating system, Basic Concepts: batch
processing, spooling, multiprogramming, multiprocessor system, time sharing, real time systems, Functions and Goals of operating system.
UNIT – II: Process Management
Process concept, Process Control Block, Process State: State Transition Diagram, Scheduling
Queues: Queuing Diagram, Types of schedulers-context switching and dispatcher, various types of CPU scheduling algorithms and their evaluation, multilevel queues, and multilevel feedback queues.
UNIT – Ul: Memory Management
Preliminaries of memory management, Contiguous memory allocation, fragmentation, partition allocation policies, compaction, Non-Contiguous memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual Memory: Demand paging, Swapping, Page replacement policies: FIFO, Optimal, LRU, MRU.
UNIT – IV: Introduction to UNIX
Introduction to Multi-user System, Emergency and history of Unix, Feature and benefits, Versions of Unix. System Structure:-Hardware requirements, Kernel and its function, introduction to System calls and Shell.
File System : Feature of Unix File System, Concept of i-node table, links, commonly used
commands like who, pwd, cd, mkdir, rm, Is, mv, lp, chmod, cp, grep, sed, awk, pr, lex, yacc, make, etc. Getting started (login / logout). Vi Editor:-Intro to text processing, command and edit mode, invoking vi, command structure, deleting and inserting line, deleting and replacing character, searching strings.
UNIT – V: Shell Programming
Introduction to shell feature, wild card characters, i/out redirections, standard error redirection, system and user created shell variables, profile files, pipes/tee, background processing, command line arguments, command substitution, read statement, conditional execution of commands, special shell variables $ #, #?, $* etc. Shift commands, loops and decision making- for, while and until, choice making using case.,.esac, decision making if ….fi, using test, string comparison, numerical comparison, logical operation, using expr.
- Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg Gagne (Wiley India
Edition) - Modern Operating System, Andrew .S. Tanenbaum, (PHI)
- UNIX Complete Reference
Operating System Syllabus PDF For BCA
Operating System Syllabus PDF For CSE & Bsc Computer Science
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