Discrete Mathematics Syllabus (PDF For All Students)
Here I am going to provide you Discrete Mathematics Syllabus pdf for (BCA, Bsc. Computer Science, and CSE Students) so that you can increase your basic knowledge of Discrete Mathematics and easily prepare for your exam.
Discrete Mathematics Syllabus Details
Recall of statements and logical connectives, tautologies and contradictions, logical equivalence, algebra of propositions quantifiers, existential quantifiers and universal quantifiers.
Boolean algebra and its properties, algebra of propositions as an example, De Morgan’s Laws, partial order relations g.1.b., 1.u.b. Algebra of electric circuits and its applications. Design of simple automatic Control system.
Boolean functions – disjunctive and conjugative normal forms. Boolean’s expansion theorem, fundamental forms. Many terminal Networks.
Arbitrary Cartesian product of sets. Equivalence relations, partition of sets, injective, subjective, bijective maps, binary operations, countable, uncountable sets.
Basic Concept of Graph Theory, Subgraphs, Trees and their properties, Binary Trees, Spanning Trees, Directed Trees, Planar graphs, Euler Circuit, Hamiltonian Graph. Chromatic number.
Recommended Books :
- Boolean Algebra and its Application, J.E. Whitesitt, Courier Corporation.
- Concepts of Modern Mathematics, P.L. Bhatnagar, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Discrete Mathematics, Babu Ram, Pearson. - Graph theory and its applications, NarsinghDeo, Dover publication.
- A Textbook of Discrete Mathematics, Swapan Kumar Sarkar, S.chand.
- Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C.L.Liu, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition.
Discrete Mathematics Syllabus PDF For BCA
Discrete Mathematics Syllabus For CSE/IT/Btech
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