C Language Syllabus (PDF)
Here I am going to provide you C Language Syllabus pdf so that you can increase your basic knowledge of C Programming Language and you can prepare for your exam easily.
C Language Syllabus
Fundamentals of C Programming: Overview of C: History of ‘C’, Structure of ‘C’ program. Keywords, Tokens, Data types, Constants, Literals and Variables, Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic operators, Relational operator, Logical operators, Expressions, Operator: operator precedence and associatively, Type casting, Console I/O formatting, Unformatted I/O functions: getch(), getchar, getche(), getc(), putc(), putchar().
Control Constructs: If-else, conditional operators, switch and break, nested conditional branching statements, loops: do while, while, for, Nested loops, break and continue, goto and label, exit function.
Functions: Definition, function components: Function arguments, return value, function call statement, function prototype, Types of function, Scope and lifetime of variable, Call by value and call by reference. Function using arrays, function with command line argument. User defined function: maths and character functions, Recursive function.
Array: Array declaration, One and Two dimensional numeric and character arrays, Multidimensionalarrays.
String: String declaration, initialization, string manipulation with/without using library function.
Structure, Union and Enum – Structure: Basics, declaring structure and structure variable, typedef statement, array of structure, array within structure, Nested structure; passing structure to function, function returning structure. Union: basics, declaring union and union variable, Enum: declaring enum and enum variable.
Pointer: Definition of pointer, Pointer declaration, Using & and * operators. Void pointer, Pointer to pointer, Pointer in math expression, Pointer arithmetic, Pomter comparison, Dynamic memory allocation functions — malloc, calloc, realloc and free, Pointer vs. Array, Array of pointer, Pointer to array, Pointers to function, Function returning pointer, Passing function as Argument to function, Pointer to structure, Dynamic array of structure through pointer to structure.
File Handling and Miscellaneous Features: File handling: file pointer, File accessing functions: fopen, fclose, fputc, fgetc, fprintf, fscanf, fread, fwrite,beof, fflush, rewind, fseek, ferror. File handling through command line argument. Introduction to C preprocessor #include, #define, Conditional
compilation directives: #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #1fndef etc.
- Programming in ANSI C, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third Edition.
- Let Us C, YashwantKanetkar, Infinity Science Press, Eighth Edition.
- Mastering C, K R Venugopal,Tata McGraw-Hill.
- The C Programming Language, Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall, 2″? Edition.
5.Applications Programming in ANSI C, R. Johnsonbaugh , Martin Kalin, Macmillan, 2″! Edition. - The Spirit of C, Mullish Cooper, Jaico publishing House.
- How to solve it by Computer, R.G.Dromey, Pearson Education.
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