Basic Structure of C Program With Examples | CsTutorialpoint
Basic Structure of C Program
Whenever we create a program in C language, we can divide that program into six different sections. This section is as follows:
- Documentation (Documentation Section)
- Preprocessor Statements (Link Section)
- Definition Section
- Global Declarations Section
- Main functions section
- User-Defined Functions or Sub Program Section
In C language, all these six sections together make up the Basic Structure of C Program. Now let’s learn in detail about all these sections -:
1. Documentation (Documentation Section)
Programmers write comments in the Documentation section to describe the program. The compiler ignores the comments and does not print them on the screen. Comments are used only to describe that program.
In the comments, programmer writes the name of the program, the author name which is making the program, and other information like – the date of the program, its purpose, etc. all These are written under the Documentation Section.
To know more about the comments in C language, see this -: Comments In C Language
Example -:
/* File Name -: Hello.c
Author Name -: Jeetu Sahu Founder of CsTutorialpoint
Date -: 05/05/2021
Description -: A Program to find Odd or Even Number
2. Preprocessor Statements (Link Section)
Within the Link Section, we declare all the Header Files that are used in our program. From the link section, we instruct the compiler to link those header files from the system libraries, which we have declared in the link section in our program.
Example -:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
In addition to all these Header Files in the Link Section, there are a lot of Header Files which we can link in our program if needed.
3. Definition Section
The definition of Symbolic Constant is defined in this section, so this section is called Definition Section. Macros are used in this section.
Example -:
#define PI 3.14
4. Global Declarations Section
Within the Global Declarations Section section, we declare such variables which we can use anywhere in our program, and that variable is called Global Variables, we can use these variables in any function.
In the Global Declaration section, we also declare functions that we want to use anywhere in our program, and such functions are called Global Function.
Example -:
int area (int x); //global function
int n; // global Variable
5. Main functions section
Whenever we create a program in C language, there is one main() function in that program. The main () function starts with curly brackets and also ends with curly brackets. In the main () function, we write our statements.
The code we write inside the main() function consists of two parts, one Declaration Part and the other Execution Part. In the Declaration Part, we declare the variables that we have to use in the Execution Part, let’s understand this with an example.
Example -:
int main (void)
int n = 15; // Declaration Part
printf ("n = %d", n); // Execution Part
return (0);
6. User-Defined Functions or Sub Program Section
Declare all User-Defined Functions under this section.
Example -:
int sum (int x, int y)
return x + y;
A Simple Program to the Find Area of Circle in C Language
/* File Name -: area.c
Author Name -: CsTutorialpoint
Date -: 27/12/2020
Description -: A Program to find Area of Circle In C Language
#include<stdio.h> // Link Section
#define PI 3.14 // Definition Section
float r; // Global Declarations Section
float areaofcircle(float); // Global Declarations Section
int main(void) // Main functions Section
float aoc; // Declaration Part
printf("Enter the radius of circle"); // Execution Part
printf("area of circle is %f",aoc);
return (0);
float areaofcircle(float R) // User-Defined Functions or Sub Program Section
return (R*R*PI) ;
Output -:
Enter the radius of circle 5
area of circle is 78.500000
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- Download C Language Notes Pdf
- C Language Tutorial For Beginners
- C Programming Examples With Output
- 250+ C Programs for Practice PDF Free Download
Friends, I hope that you have found the answer to your question and you will not have to search about the basic structure of C language.
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If you want a complete tutorial of C language, then see here C Language Tutorial. Here you will get all the topics of C Programming Tutorial step by step.
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Bro it was very useful to Me bro thank you 😊 so much 🙏
WOW, It is very useful and informative.
hi but need to command, i will make roblox